You Are In Charge Of You. Take Responsibility For Yourself.

This go around, we are all humans. Yep. We picked it... all and everything that has happened and will happen to us during this journey. May be hard to hear, but it's the truth. WE create our very realities and experiences with each and every thought we think.

Part of this human experience that we all signed up for is for duality. We signed up to experience everything! Love, sex, sadness, passion, anger... you get my point.

What the what, you say?!


I know, it blows my mind too.

So now knowing that we picked EVERYTHING that we are, have, and WILL does that change me as a person? You as a person?

Where do you want to go and are you moving in that direction?

And that means...I CAN ALTER my path and feelings and thoughts at any time I choose??!


Will it be easy?

Fuck no. That's the point.

The harder it is, the sweeter the evolution.

Good or bad, crazy or extreme. They are MY choices to make and MY experience to live. I love and honor the perfectly, imperfect me.

You should do the same with yourself!

My choices may not always make sense to me, but I move with the energy and what feels in the flow at the time of my decision. I listen to the sweet whisper of my inner knowing, my heart and soul.

Be feisty like the wind, flow like the water, passionate like fire, and grounded like earth.

That is what I wish for all of you.

Love and Hugs,

Ifoma Genevieve


What to do When You Feel Stuck, Lost, or Confused.


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