I Am Me. You Be You. Send Love.

I am me. Unapologetically. I laugh way too loud, laugh at my own jokes, and will find humor in most situations. I am incredibly sensitive and emotional, yet I don't take any shit. I say what's on my mind. I swear and cuss like a sailor - and love it, yet I'm super respectful of my mouth around others. I cry, a lot, and sing at the top of my lungs. I dance all the time and am goofy and silly just to entertain myself. I'm an extroverted introvert and cherish and covet my alone time. I love life and everything in it. I love everyone exactly where they are on their respective journey and don't judge - because I'm sure my life is as crazy as the next person. I feel everyone else's feelings and transmute all of it to love and send it to the Universe and Mother Earth. I can feel and understand all sides of a situation and often will contradict myself because of that understanding. I am not perfect and have F'ed up multiple times - and sure more to come! I like to call them my adventures, let them go, and have a funny story for it afterward...I have LOTS of them if you're ever needing a laugh. I've been hurt deeply by everyone I love, and I'm sure I have hurt others too, unintentionally. I own who I am and all that comes with me being me. I have released the need to give any F*cks about other people's perceptions of me. I love myself so deeply and want you to love yourself too. If you don't? I will love you more until you can see your magic for yourself.

The point of all of this?

BE YOU. LIVE YOUR LIFE. The ONLY person who can make you happy in this lifetime, is the person staring back at you in the mirror. Work on your relationship with yourself. Love your dark side, love your light side. Do good for yourself and others. Treat people how YOU would want someone to treat you. STOP LISTENING to other people's perceptions or opinions about you and your life. Stand tall, stand strong in your space. The rest of the world is waiting for you to shine your brightest. The only way you can do that is to be boldly, crazily, authentically YOU, loving yourself and all your imperfections. Love others and forgive them and yourself - CONSTANTLY. Make it a practice, like brushing your teeth.

We are all just walking each other home. Send love, often, and more than that.

Love and compassion will save the day. Start with yourself first and then spread it all around.


Be A YOU-nicorn.


What to do When You Feel Stuck, Lost, or Confused.